fugation. Images have been taken by Leica DMLB microscope having a Leica DFC RQCR and RT-PCR RNA was isolated with PeqGold TriFast as outlined by the makers instructions. RNA was reverse transcribed with Morphological evaluation A cytocentrifuge was made use of to spin cells onto slides. Staining was performed using May-Grunwald and Giemsa as outlined by the producers protocol. Immunofluorescence Samples had been fixed in 53868-26-1 mutagenesis PCR The mutagenesis of mutated RasV Immunoblot and antibodies Cells have been lysed either in TNN buffer, Ripa buffer or NP- Statistical evaluation Statistical analysis was performed with two-tailed Student’s t test with Welch’s correction. Supporting Info Ras pull-down assay The activity of Ras was analyzed with Ras Activation Assay Kit from Millipore in line with the “9350985 companies recommendations. Lysates of Flow cytometric analysis RAS and Cytarabine in AML Dependence of Chkis elevated in Ras/Cdk Enhanced differentiation of Ras cells in response to cytarabine. Quantification with the morphological evaluation shown in Acknowledgments We thank members from the Eilers and Neubauer laboratories for useful discussions, and comments on the manuscript. differentiation. Cdk Author Contributions Conceived and made the experiments: MM DR RKS TS ME AN. Performed the experiments: MM DR TI KS PR. Analyzed the information: MM DR RKS TI KS PR TS ME AN. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: RKS TI TS ME AN. Wrote the paper: MM TS ME AN.