EU Directive 2018/2001. In unique, the law amended the Code of the
EU Directive 2018/2001. In specific, the law amended the Code of your Power by introducing the REC as disciplined by the EU legislator. Indeed, they may be described as autonomous legal entities characterized by: the open and voluntary participation; the effective handle by the shareholders that have to reside nearby the renewable power plant; the shareholders could possibly be natural persons at the same time as municipalities, small-medium enterprises and nearby authorities; the final goal of your community is always to produce environmental, social and economic added benefits in lieu of just monetary earnings. The RECs can generate, stock and sell energy too as exchange within the neighborhood the energy created by the units owned by the community itself. In addition, the law established that the neighborhood has to have totally free access towards the energy industry with no any discrimination. In 2021, with all the decree n. 236/2021, 3rd March 2021 the French legislator has added to REC discipline two needs imposed by the EU legislation: for private companies that participate to REC, the involvement in the neighborhood can’t be their principal industrial or expert activity; the neighborhood members need to preserve their excellent of end-consumers and particularly their rights and obligations. When analyzing the energy sector in France, it is actually also vital to think about that, in contrast to Germany, the French electricity mix is characterized by the production of nuclear energy which, combined using the hydroelectricity, turns out to have a very low carbon intensity. Inside the described context, the role of REC in France has been defined as “important for its neighborhood contribution to social and economic solidarity” [19]. Additionally, RECs aren’t merely seen as a mean to save/earn cash, but in addition as a method to engage persons in power transition. On this regard, it really is important that citizens take into account RECs as an aid to decrease power poverty and that they fully grasp how such projects could improve their opportunity to participate within the selection creating processes relating for the energy sector [20]. In 2020 in France, happen to be registered 256 RECs mostly located in Occitanie, Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, Britany and Pays de La Loire and the majority of them produce solar power trough the installation of rooftop photovoltaic. Among these RECs, about 143 are already active, whereas 81 are currently below building. All round, RECs Tenidap References create about 512.five MW and 1047.9 GWh of your electricity that’s supplied per year in France. Presently, RECs involve 21,350 citizens who’ve invested 34 million euros [21]. The third nation analyzed is Spain. Regarding the development of RECs in Spain, it’s feasible to recognize two periods of growing of such initiatives. The very first one particular goes from 1997 until 2012, and the second, which can be nonetheless going on, begins from 2012 [22]. The year 1997 is Ethyl Vanillate Technical Information regarded to become considerable since it’s the beginning of the liberalization procedure from the electrical energy sector in Spain; this openness is primarily as a result of Spanish participation inEnergies 2021, 14,five ofthe EU Communities. The second turning point is definitely the year 2012 simply because of the overlap of your economic crisis as well as the surge inside the installation of capacity of gas combined cycle (GCC), which resulted in an oversupply in the power technique. Within this context, it has to be viewed as that Spain’s electricity sector is characterized by a lack of transparency [23] that allowed the “Asociaci Espa la de la Industria El trica” (the association.