Ation (BCS 0) Pipe stream diarrhoea Lethargy Typical Signs 2.5p 1 three.5 3 two 0 1 1.5 1 7 two.five two 1 two 1 five 3.five six Median three five four.5 five 0 2.5 four four eight 6 3.5 3 3.5 three 7.5 five.five eight 97.5p
Ation (BCS 0) Pipe stream diarrhoea Lethargy Typical Signs 2.5p 1 3.five three two 0 1 1.5 1 7 2.5 two 1 2 1 5 3.five 6 Median 3 5 four.5 five 0 two.5 four 4 8 6 three.5 3 3.five three 7.five 5.five eight 97.5p five 7 7 six 0.5 4 7 7 9.five eight five 5 5 four.five 8.five 7IBRAnimals 2021, 11,14 ofTable five. Cont. Disease Clinical Entity Encephalitis Encephalitis Aujeszky’s Encephalitis Encephalitis Respiratory indicators Reproduction Re-exposure PRRS Acute infection Sows Sows boars Nursery piglets Weaners finishers No access to water–cattle Broken femur–cattle Welfare hazards– cattle Lying on concrete floor with no bedding material Weather circumstances are as well hot Separation of cow and calf Broken femur–pigs Weaning of piglets Welfare hazards– pigs Tail biting Crating of sows Feed restrictionAGE Group Piglets infected in utero Piglets (three weeks) Weaners finishers (three weeks) Adult pigs Weaners finishers (3 weeks)Typical Signs Weak piglets, shaking/shivering/sudden death Lethargy, weakness/appetite loss, incoordination/convulsions (vomiting, diarrhoea) incl. febrile response (as much as 42 C) Loss of appetite, somnolence, trembling/convulsions, paralysis, high temperature (up to 42 C) Incoordination of hind limbs and febrile response (as much as 42 Sneezing/nasal discharge, coughing, dyspnoea Vaginal discharge, mummification, agalactia Reproductive troubles incl. abortion, still-birth, and return to service Anorexia, fever, lethargy, respiratory issues, cyanosis Poor growth, anorexia, fever, respiratory distress, diarrhoea, anaemia, congenital abnormalities, weakness, ataxia, haemorrhage and Polmacoxib Biological Activity immunomodulation Transient anorexia, respiratory issues and discolouration from the ears Scenario: dairy cattle left with no access to water resulting from broken pipes Scenario: dairy cow falls on slippery floor and is left till euthanised Situation: dairy cows resting inside a cost-free stall atmosphere Situation: warm summer time days (25 C) interrupted by cooler nights. No access to shade for the duration of the daytime. Scenario: calf separated within 24h of birth Situation: sow falls on slippery floor with other sows and is pushed about Scenario: piglets are weaned three weeks after birth Situation: ongoing severe tail biting (part of tail bitten off, blood present) Situation: sows are crated in farrowing section (from 1 week prior to farrowing) Situation: feed provision is decreased to 30 of ad lib through gestation. Sows are housed with each other, but most normally feed provision is individualC)two.5p five four.five 5 5 three 1 two 1 two.5 two.5 1 6Median 7 6 7 6.five five 2 4.5 two five.five four five 7.597.5p 8.five eight 9 8 six three 7 three eight.five six 9 9.5 six.Cows Cows CowsCows Calves Sows Piglets Weaners finishers Sows Sows3.5 2 six two four three two.five.5 four eight 4 6 4 4.8 six 9.5 five 8 six.5Aujeszky’s: Aujeszky’s illness; BVD: bovine virus diarrhoea; IBR: infectious bovine rhinotracheitis; MAP: Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis; PRRS: porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome. PI: Persistently infected. BCS: Physique situation score.Animals 2021, 11, 3017 Animals 2021, 11,15 of 20 17 ofFigure 1. The 3-Chloro-5-hydroxybenzoic acid site aggregated suffering scores (two.five, 50, and 97.five percentiles) given by eight authorities (specified as No. 1 o. 8). Figure 1. The aggregated suffering scores (2.5, 50, and 97.5 percentiles) provided by eight authorities (specified 8).Animals 2021, 11, 3017. 2021, 11, 3017 Animals 2021, 11,16 of 20 18 ofFigure 2. Aggregated suffering scores (2.five, 50, and 97.five percentiles) by disease condition. The disease entities and welfare Figure 2. scores (two.five, 50, and 97.5 percentiles) by diseas.